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MINI TEST, MANIT Bhopal Dec 2022


Question 1:

Write a program that prints the word addition as "MANIT" using the ASCII value of individual characters.


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

    char a='M', b='A', c='N',d='I',e='T';

    int sum;

    sum = a+b+c+d+e;

    printf("Sum of %c+%c+%c+%c+%c is %d"


     return 0;



Sum of M+A+N+I+T is 377


Question 2:
Write a program to find MIN and MAX without using IF-ELSE and take three values from the user.



#include <stdio.h>



    int a, b, c, Max, Min ;


    printf("Enter three numbers : ") ;


    scanf("%d %d %d", &a, &b, &c) ;


    Max = a > b ? (a > c ? a : c) : (b > c ? b : c) ;

    Min = a < b ? (a < c ? a : c) : (b < c ? b : c) ;


    printf("\nThe Biggest number is : %d \nThe Smallest number is : %d", Max, Min) ;



Enter three numbers : 45



The Biggest number is : 87

The Smallest number is : 12


Question 3:
Write a program to calculate profit or loss; where take input cost price and selling price.


#include <stdio.h>

int main()


    int cp,sp, amt;

    printf("Enter cost price: ");

    scanf("%d", &cp);

    printf("Enter selling price: ");

    scanf("%d", &sp);

    if(sp > cp)


        amt = sp - cp;

        printf("Profit = %d", amt);


    else if(cp > sp)


        amt = cp - sp;

        printf("Loss = %d", amt);




        printf("No Profit No Loss.");


    return 0;



Enter cost price: 1589

Enter selling price: 1200

Loss = 389


Question 4:
Write a programme to left shift by two bits of any number and also check the number dividing by 4 or not.


#include <stdio.h>



    long number,  after_number;


    printf("Enter an integer \n");

    scanf("%d", &number);

    after_number = number << 2;


    printf("before Shift : %d \nAfter Shift : %d", number, after_number);



                printf("\nYes, Its Divisible by 4");


                 printf("\nNo, Its notDivisible by 4");




Enter an integer


before Shift : 123

After Shift : 492

Yes, Its Divisible by 4


 Question 5:
Convert the following conversions:
B2O and B2H: 111100
D2B, D2O, and D2H: 819



D2B: 819

Answer: 1100110011

D2O: 819

Answer: 1463

D2H: 819

Answer: 333



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